26th September 2019

Network Outage in Canberra

1645hrs (AEST):

It has been identified this is due to a bug with the vendor of the core router in particular situations. The firmware is scheduled to be updated 2200hrs AEST 4th October 2019 to prevent this from happening in the future. We will monitor this equipment until the upgrade happens.

1015hrs (AEST):

One of our core routers rebooted at 0921hrs AEST this morning causing a 2min outage across some Canberra services. We are and have been investigating the cause of this reboot. We are aware of a vendor bug that can cause this behaviour and we are looking through the logs to confirm the cause.

9030hrs (AEST):

Confirmed Network Outage in Canberra at 9:20 AM. All services should now be back online.

Our networking team are investigating the issue and will provide further updates.