18th February 2019

Intercapital Connectivity Intercapital link flap

1238hrs AEDT: Carrier has resolved the issue and traffic is flowing again at 1232hrs AEDT. We are awaiting a Post Incident Report from the Carrier as to what the cause was.

1102hrs AEDT: Carrier has called explaining that there has been an equipment failure and techs are being sent to both Canberra and Sydney data centres to move the affected service to redundant equipment. We have been advised of an ETR of 2-3 hours.

1040hrs AEDT: Technicians are working on this issue but this now been escalated with the carrier and we are awaiting a response.

1012hrs AEDT: Another drop has occurred on the link, services return after a couple of minutes. We are looking at alternative measures to prevent these drops from causing issues with network traffic.

1000hrs AEDT: Carrier has identified issue and is in the process of resolving the issue.

0915hrs AEDT: We are continuing to monitor this carefully, we are awaiting a response from with the carrier.

0900hrs AEDT: Upon investigation we are speaking with the carrier to determine what the cause is. More updates to come, everything appears to be running correctly right now.

0844hrs AEDT: It appears one of intercapital links has failed causing network disruption. We are investigating the cause but some services appear to be restoring.